

Copy Trader

Become a Ten Leader or a Ten Follower by joining our copy trading platform! Sign up as a follower and copy our top-performing traders to reach your investment goals or become a Leader yourself and lead the way for others to follow.

Coytrading Final

Copy Trading come


• La registrazione è completamente gratuita.
• Set up your profile in one easy step

• Non avete alcuna responsabilità per le perdite subite dai vostri iscritti in seguito alla copia delle vostre operazioni.
• You can copy trades of your own Leader account to your own follower accounts so you can easily manage multiple accounts

Copy Trading come


• La registrazione è completamente gratuita.
• Set up your profile in one easy step
• From the dashboard you can follow one of the dozens of active leaders within our network.
• Le vostre operazioni di copia saranno automatiche, anche se vi disconnettete dalla piattaforma.
• The amount of leverage you use is up to you. You do not have to match the leverage used by your leader.
• All liability for any losses made while copy trading sits with you, not your leader.

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Social Trader?

Rischi potenziali del

Trading sociale

Domande frequenti sul Copy Trading

Find out more about Copy trading including how it works, the security of funds, using leverage
and the various markets you can access with TenTrade.

Copy trading is where the positions opened by one trader – known as a leader –are replicated by other traders – known as followers. This process is often automated, so the fortunes of the follower will precisely mirror that of the leader. Liability for any losses still lies with the  trader who’s chosen to follow another account. Copy trading can be a popular route into the markets for those who lack the time or knowledge to feel confident in their ability to trade independently.

As a follower, any profits you make, you may withdraw them without any limitations.

As a leader, any profits you make you may withdraw them without any limitations. Apart from the profits the copy trading tool gives you the ability to manage multiple accounts of yours or your network.

You have full liability for any losses you make when copy  trading as a follower. Conversely, as a leader, you have zero liability for your followers’ losses.

Utilizzerete MetaTrader 5 come piattaforma di copy trading. Vanta funzionalità eccezionali e il suo design semplice e raffinato lo rende di facile impiego, indipendentemente dal vostro livello di esperienza.

Yes. Your trades will be automated so you will not be able to choose which positions you copy from your provider. And your trades will still be copied if you log out. Although, you can chose how much of the copy trades you want to copy by simply setting up your risk appetite as percentage of the trades.

Yes. You can subscribe to more than one leader.

Yes. You can copy trade forex, commodities, indices, shares and cryptocurrencies with TenTrade. Of course, the specific assets in your portfolio will be determined by the leader you’ve chosen to follow. Some will focus on a single market while others may prefer to diversify across a variety of asset classes.

Leverage is already preset on your MT5 account upon opening . Leverage can offer you the potential to amplify your profits from a smaller amount of capital, while it also brings the risk of magnifying your losses. You don’t have to match the leverage ratio selected by your provider, but bear in mind that if you don’t have enough leverage to open the position, your trade won’t copy.

Il vostro denaro, compresi gli eventuali profitti non realizzati, è custodito in conti fiduciari separati presso banche di livello AA. Operiamo nel rispetto delle più severe leggi internazionali e la nostra tecnologia è completamente criptata per prevenire le frodi. Se non riuscite a ottenere alcun profitto con il copy trading, forniamo una protezione che garantisca che il vostro saldo non scenda mai in negativo.

Scoprite di più sulla sicurezza dei vostri fondi con TenTrade.

Avete domande su come diventare un social trader? Volete saperne di più sui vantaggi e gli svantaggi di diventare un provider o un iscritto? Se avete bisogno di parlare con noi di copy trading o di qualsiasi altra cosa, potete contattarci 24 ore su 24 tramite live chat. Potete anche:

Iscriviti e inizia il copy trading oggi

the ever-growing TenTrade copy trading network!

3 passi per iniziare il Social Trading

1 Icona Tonda

Registrati sul sito come trader, investitore o entrambi. I profili dei trader possono essere visibili al pubblico o meno

2 Icona Rotonda

Abbonarsi al fornitore di di vostra scelta in base ai risultati del trading risultati del trading nel modulo Valutazioni e statistiche modulo.

3 Icone Rotonde

Controlla che le operazioni siano copiate nel tuo conto MetaTrader

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