This event will be hosted by TenTrade Head of Education Victor Ufot , who will share his in-depth knowledge of the financial markets and how to trade them.
Date: May 26th , 27th , 28th
Venue: TenTrade Lagos Office
Address: 2nd Floor, GWX Building, 45 Opebi Road, Ikeja Opp.SPAR Super Market
Our mission is to set up today’s traders with the tools, services, products, and knowledge
This event will be hosted by TenTrade Head of Education Victor Ufot , who will share his in-depth knowledge of the financial markets and how to trade them. He will cover everything you need to know to get you started on day 1. From what the forex market is to exactly how you can get set up on our platform.
风险免责声明 "差价合约"(CFD)通常是杠杆产品。与商品、外汇、指数和股票相关的场外差价合约交易具有高风险,可能导致您损失全部投资。因此,差价合约不一定适合所有投资者。您不应投资您无法承受损失的资金。在决定进行交易之前,您应了解与场外差价合约交易相关的所有风险,并向独立且持有适当执照的财务顾问寻求建议。过去的表现并不构成未来结果的可靠指标。未来预测不构成未来业绩的可靠指标。公司提供的一般信息和/或建议不应被解释为投资建议。欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的一般风险披露政策。
10ΤradeFX 是 Evalanch Ltd(以下简称 "公司")的品牌名称,公司由塞舌尔金融服务管理局许可和监管,许可证编号为 SD082。
TenTrade有限公司是一家在英格兰和威尔士注册的公司,注册号为13369728,注册地址为23 Raith Avenue, Southgate, London N14 7DU, England。TenTrade有限公司是Evalanch有限公司的MT5交易平台技术提供商。